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Language Arts Tutoring


Boost proudly
provides tutoring
for all-ages
(and stages) 
using The Logic of English complete curriculum.

Reading   Writing   Spelling   Handwriting   Grammar  Comprehension  Critical Thinking

1:1 lessons upon request and availability

The Why?

Logic of English is a complete language arts curriculum that “combines the science of reading with the joy of learning." This means that reading has a scientific code that unlocks the mystery of spelling for 99% of English words. No memorizing sight words, just decoding using sounds and letters. With the English lexicon having about a million words, and growing, memorization is impossible and not helpful for long term learning. The Logic of English curriculum teaches in a way that is simple, fun, and engaging for all. It primarily uses systematic phonics, which is "an accurate written code which translates sounds into visual images." This is actually very easy to learn!  Once students learn the code they will be able to apply it to just about every single English word. This concept promotes independent learning and furthers student’s educational and personal growth.


The What?

  • Reading

  • Writing

  • Spelling

  • Handwriting

  • Grammar

  • Comprehension

  • Critical Thinking



Tutoring services are offered both virtually and in-person based on what works best for both parties. Boost is a private tutoring service and accepts payment virtually through Venmo, check, and local charter funds. All you need to do is reach out through email or chat and we can take it from there! 


*In-person services are offered in Rocklin/Sacramento and surrounding areas.



The When?

Boost offers services all year round! Let's get chatting and find something that works for you! 



The Who?

Visit my about page            to learn more about me. Can't wait to meet you!


Hand Mirror
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