Boost Services - Tutor
Rates, FAQs, and Policies
Private on-going lessons
$240 /month - one lesson per week - 50 minutes /1:1 lesson
($300 for months with 5 weeks)
Private Single Lessons
$60 /50-minute lesson
$90 /80-minute lesson
Small Group Classes
see 'group classes' pages under the Language Arts tutoring tab for group rates, dates, and times.
Payment policy - Private Pay - Boost currently accepts payment through Venmo or Check. An invoice will be sent prior to the first lesson that will cover the cost of all the lessons for that month. An invoice will be sent at the start of each month thereafter. For single lessons, payment is required before the start of the lesson. Classes will not begin until payment is fulfilled.
Charter funds - Boost is a vendor for Horizon, South Sutter, Cottonwood, Sequoia Grove Alliance, and Visions. We accept funds from each of these charters. A voucher must be approved before classes can start.
Missed lesson policy - If there are any conflicts with our scheduled class time, please give at least 1-week cancellation notice so another learner can fill the lesson slot. A make up class or an adjustment to the invoice can be made with this much notice. Same-day cancellations are considered no-shows/missed lessons and will still require the full payment. If there is an issue, please reach out to your tutor, flexibility is given where it is possible. For in-person, if a cancellation occurs same-day due to sick symptoms, then a make-up can likely be rescheduled, but not guaranteed.
Sick policy - For in-person, if the learner or anyone in their household has one or more of any sick symptoms at all (including runny nose, sneezing, cough), as well as the typical COVID-19 symptoms (loss of taste/smell, sore throat, fever, etc), the scheduled lesson will be held virtually, or postponed until symptoms are gone, along with a negative Covid result. If the learner shows up for an in-person lesson and is displaying one or more of any cold/flu symptoms, they will be sent home before the lesson starts and this will be considered a missed lesson (see below for missed lesson policy). We take strict precautions for the safety of everyone directly and indirectly involved.
Late policy - If the learner is late to a lesson, the lesson will start from the point they show up and end at the original lesson end time. The lesson length will not extend beyond the original end time and will be charged the full amount. I will wait for a maximum of 10 minutes before exiting the lesson and this will be considered a no-show (see above missed lesson policy).
Early exit policy - For virtual lessons, if the learner needs to cut the lesson short, or leaves the lesson at any time prior to end time and does not come back within 10 minutes, full payment is still required.
Class Closures/Holidays - Classes are OPEN on all public school holidays with the exception of Easter break, Thanksgiving break, and Christmas/Winter break (example: we are open on Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc).
Expectation policy - The learner is expected to be willing to engage in the lesson and participate in the instruction without distractions (if the lesson is virtual, and a quiet space is not possible, headphones can help reduce distraction). If a learner has a specific challenge with engaging, please discuss with the tutor beforehand and there will be understanding and willingness on the tutor's part to work with the learner in helping them engage and participate.
What is different about Boost tutoring? Boost teaches language arts for all ages solely using the complete Logic of English curriculum. This curriculum teaches a set of skills which the learner can take with them and apply to new words independently. Like having a key to a lock, they simply apply the knowledge gained from the curriculum and thus become self-learners. Learn more about choosing Logic of English on the tutoring page of the Boost website.
How often does my child need tutoring? This all depends on the need of the student and is ultimately up to you. If a student is using my services for their entire language arts studies, then 3-4 days a week is ideal. If the students needs supplemental learning, then once or twice a week is fine, twice a week is encouraged. We are here to serve you, so let us know what you would like!
What if my child is already using Logic of English on a daily basis for their school? Even better! We offer supplemental tutoring as well. The student would be assessed and receive support where needed. Supplemental tutoring is a rich and effective tool for every level learner.
Where do I get the materials? Which specific materials are needed will depend on the level of the learner and what materials they already have. Every learner will need a whiteboard, dry erase markers, and eraser.
Are the sessions one-on-one? Yes. Whether virtual, or in-person, Boost offers one-on-one lessons. This allows the curriculum to be taught at the learner's pace.
How long is each session? Lessons can be either 50 minutes, or 80 minutes if splitting time with another subject. For example, if I am teaching your student language arts and art, we will spend the first 30 minutes on art and the remaining 50 on language arts.
What age is this curriculum geared towards? All ages and all stages! From beginning learners, to college educated adults who struggle with reading or grammar, this curriculum delivers new information that will increase the knowledge of the English language and how it works.
Does Boost accept charter funds? Boost currently accepts charter funds for Cottonwood, all 3 Sequoia Grove Schools, Visions in Education, South Sutter, and Horizon Charter. Many charter schools will also reimburse for services, so please check with your school.